k29, Düsseldorf

Exhibition view of my solo show at the Off-Space k29 in Düsseldorf-Bilk. A large-format canvas in the front and two smaller oil paintings on the right, seen at an angle.

Exhibition view of the solo exhibition at Offspace k29, Düsseldorf

Room view of my solo exhibition. Through the doorway you can see my large portrait painted from a model and another figurative medium format on the wall.

Exhibition view: »Zu viel Information« and »Jalousie — verbleiben«

12.03. — 14.04.2024
Artartist, 2024, Düsseldorf 

Exhibition view of the Artartist art fair in Düsseldorf. You can see a glazed ceramic in front of a canvas.

Exhibition view: »Period«, Glazed ceramic, 2023

Bei offenem Fenster 
18.08. — 06.10.2023
Haus Schaeben, Frechen

A pictorial composition on the large wall in the foyer of the Schaebens company. Three large figurative formats and a medium format hang in the front and a gestural nude painting in orange on the side.

Foyer of the Schaebens company

15.04. — 23.04.2023
Polnisch-Deutscher Künstler*innenaustausch im Gutshaus Ramin 

A beautiful exhibition room in the old building of the Ramin manor house. My portrait of a Polish artist hangs on a grey wall.

Exhibition view in the manor house Ramin

31.03. — 02.04.2023
Artartist, 2023, Düsseldorf 

Experimental room installation of my two figurative paintings: a portrait and a full-body portrait - and my glazed ceramics in front of blue curtains of fabric and tulle.

Installation view, painting and ceramic

03.06. — 13.06.2022
ES365, im Rahmen der »Nacht der Museen«, Düsseldorf 

My diptych with a sleeping figure and drapery is set up in the gallery of the ES356 studio building; the two canvases are set up at a 90° angle to each other.

Installation view, »Federbett«

12.02. — 21.03.2021
K21, Kunstsammlung NRW, Düsseldorf 

My painting in the White Cube of the K21 of the Kunstsammlung NRW as part of a curated exhibition series by graduates of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Exhibition view of the group exhibition of graduates of the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf at K21

Exhibition view of my painting in the premises of the renowned museum k29 in Düsseldorf as part of the graduate exhibition of the Düsseldorf Art Academy

Exhibition view: »Strudel«, tempera and oil on canvas, 2021

26. — 31.10.2020
Kunstakademie Düsseldorf 

Room view of the presentation of my degree in painting and fine arts at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, tour 2020, final presentation of the class of Prof. Anzinger

Graduation show at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, 2020

Exhibition view of the interplay between the formal language of glazed ceramics and figurative and gestural painting on canvas. Both at a glance.

Exhibition view: Ceramic sculpture and painting, Düsseldorf Art Academy, 2020

Wall view of the hanging of my paintings in the studio and painting room of the Düsseldorf Art Academy, Rundgang and final presentation, 2020

Installation View, Art Academy Düsseldorf, 2020

Final presentation, academy certificate and master student of the Anzinger class. On display is a matt glazed ceramic made of red clay on a pedestal in front of a window.

Presentation of the glazed ceramic »Frau mit Turban«, Düsseldorf Art Academy, 2020

On display is a figurative ceramic made of white clay glazed with pigments on a pedestal in front of a window.

Presentation of the glazed ceramic »Schlafender Endymion«, Düsseldorf Art Academy, 2020